
We Grow Innovation

Производствен капацитет

Процесот на производство на ECC pharm е прилагоден на нашата сопствена генетика на канабис (хемовари, сорти) како и конзистентен квалитет на краен производ. Нашите сопствени капацитети ECC во Европа се меѓу најмодерните во светот и се ревидирани од страна на германските власти за GMP.



Our Clients

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ECC pharm truly cares about their clients and it shows in their production process. They use only the highest quality ingredients and their attention to detail is evident in every product.

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ECC pharm truly cares about their clients and it shows in their production process. They use only the highest quality ingredients and their attention to detail is evident in every product.

Pharmacy Name

ECC pharm truly cares about their clients and it shows in their production process. They use only the highest quality ingredients and their attention to detail is evident in every product.

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